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bosch super 4 vs NGK

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 11:24 AM



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hi, anybody can advice on the spark plug for proton wira SE?
Is that bosch super 4 (rm48) is significant better than ori spark plug
from proton (rm17)? I knew that ori spark plug is from NGK malaysia.
Thanks foy input ....


Posted 19 October 2008 - 03:16 PM



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hi there...anyone knows wat de price for de "bosch super 4 plugs" for 4
pcs...? i was recently quote RM90 for 4 pcs in JB here.... Is it too

Do i need to change de plug cable to use super 4...? Wats de life span of
siper 4..?

BTW..im driving a lmst saga...hehe.... i heard from others who use
it..they say when change to super 4...u will lost pickup power & will be
a drag...is it true..?

Does anyone know how many type of super 4 available or only de FR78X only

Thanks... :-)


Posted 24 October 2008 - 10:35 AM


    White Lightning

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for iswara, go for NGK BPR5EIX with 0.8mm gaping.
my client who using it with saving 100km for a full tank.

only rm130, JB price.


Posted 07 November 2008 - 10:45 AM



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what's ur comment on super 4? It will last up to 40k km according to many
I am using it, so far still ok ... almost close to 40k km ... now I am
planning to either stay with super 4 or change to g power NGK. Heard this
two also same price and performance, what do you think?
Will NGK g power better than Bosch super 4?
Any body can advice? TQ ... btw, I am driving Wira Se.


Posted 09 November 2008 - 08:30 PM


    Taxi Driver

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The quality of NGK Gpower has slightly deteriorated with the newer
batch,as the moulding of the electrode is not that accurate.

Bosch Super 4 is good in one area, no need to regap during usage as it is
4 legged, can`t regap, more consistent in the gap over usage compare to
single leg ground electrode. However, all the componenet is copper.

G Power centre eletrode is made of platinum, but the ground is of
copper.Suspect the orginal Gpower gap is 0.8mm which is the ok for carb
car but wira 1.6 injection usually need 1.1mm


Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:16 PM


    Tokyo Drifter

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hi all, im using bosch super 4 plugs in my waja 1.6(A). clocked more than 40k km with it and still no
signs of jerking to show its lifespan is near.

pros-better pick up, immediate effect after installation compared to normal proton plugs which
have a lifespan of around 30k km.

cons-car's stopping power reduced, higher FC

power up not too significant but acceptable. FC higher but not to a worrying level.


Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:19 PM


    Tokyo Drifter

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by the way, i bought the bosch super 4 for RM60. quite expensive if compared to RM48 that u
manage to get.

i didnt use NGK b4 so no comment.


Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:16 AM


    White Lightning

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if u put NGK G-power in a wira 1.6 EFI, it may shorten the plug life spend as it is only 0.8mm gaping..
i used to use it in my waja 1.6. the life spend only 30k km..power same same.

waja 1.6/wira SE need 1.1mm

now using OWS plasma platinium with 0.8mm gaping, power is is good, FC also ok..but lifespend still
dont know..


Posted 10 November 2008 - 04:44 PM



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so means you are recommending the NGK g power is not so suitable for Wira
SE, and should use the 1.1mm gap? Bosch super 4 is 1.1mm gap?
So far, I still happy with it as it already used for almost 3 years (close
to 40k km) and no issue with it.
Cost wise, g power (rm43) and super 4 (rm48), not much different ... just
want to discover any other better one which is around the price. Heard
some people said g power slightly powerful than super 4 too, that's why
wish to get you all's input ...


Posted 11 November 2008 - 03:16 PM


    White Lightning

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so far i had only use one set of G-power..the rest of my plug is only Iridium.