Scania Malaysia : All Scania Vehicles Sold In Malaysia Can Run B10...

Scania Malaysia : All Scania Vehicles Sold In Malaysia Can Run B10 Diesel

Scania (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has stated that all Scania vehicles sold by the company in Malaysia can run B10 diesel as is, without further adaptation. The company also assures that the normal warranty will apply to its vehicles which run B10 diesel. B10 is a mix of 10% biodiesel and 90% regular diesel.

Scania Malaysia Port Klang, Servicing Area, P410, G410 TrucksScania customers who are concerned with the maintenance and warranty conditions of their vehicles can be assured that Scania Malaysia is stating that there will be no changes to the operational procedures for vehicle servicing. Furthermore, there will be no additional costs incurred as no additional equipment is required for vehicles sold by the company, to run on B10 diesel.

Marie Sjodin Enstrom, Scania Southeast Asia“Scania continues to be in the forefront of sustainable transport solutions. Our wide range of alternative fuels have been in operation around the world for some time already and including Southeast Asia. Our customers continue to enjoy profitability while being environmentally friendly in their operations through reduced CO2 emissions,” said Marie Sjödin Entröm, Managing Director of Scania Southeast Asia.


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