jktlee - i hear you about the pain on models. did you read chips yap's article in this month's autocar about manual vs automatic transmissions for cars and why some distributors don't bring it in?
it's odd that singapore can have more options for cars than m'sia especially since their market is much smaller. but i think singaporeans pay a premium for cars (translate it from sgd to myr and you see why).
anyway, i feel the pain and dream of the day when our car market offers the motoring enthusiast REAL CHOICE!
Hi there,
That is why at Singapore R8 is quite a common sight since is only in the region of SGD$450K while here is close to 1 million. Have friend who drives Audi S3 sportback 2009 which I can only dream about it.
I will try to pickup later at the newstand. The main reason VW management claim is low quantity then again they car bring like Polo GTI manual. Jetta 1.4TSI and Touran. The next excuse they say they will have to keep inventory of the gearbox. I do ask I am willing to buy manual gearbox and put at your workshop also. Let me know, if a Golf GTI DSG gearbox is faulty and needs to be replace, do you think VW malaysia have ex-stock of the DSG gearbox which cost them more than $20,000 still in the store room. I am 99.99% confident that all the VW service centre in Malaysia do not have a complete DSG gearbox in the spare part inventory.
Next question is training. Can someone tell me fixing a manual gearbox is more difficult that fixing an auto gearbox? Answer to that "NO".
The reason possible reason I can think off for me, the car industry player thinks people who can drive manual can drive an auto car. But not they other way around. Why don't make the whole world should be only auto gearbox.
I know also for the fact that that the VW management gets a VW car as their company car. But then I also can say none of them would buy a VW car for their own use if given a choice. Then VW management to decide on what is the right VW model to bring into Malaysia market. I find is quite irony.....the situation.