Omoda, a sub-brand of Chery, is in collaboration with Universal Pictures to celebrate the release of Wicked, the cinematic adaptation of the globally beloved...
Chery’s Omoda E5 has earned 5-star safety ratings from the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) as well as from the Australasian New Car...
Chery Auto Malaysia has reached a significant milestone in its local operations with the successful roll-off of its first Completely Knocked Down (CKD) unit of...
Chery Malaysia has expanded its brand presence in Negri Sembilan with the official opening of a showroom and service centre in Seremban. Operated by...
Chery Malaysia has opened a new showroom and service centre in Selangor which is operated by dealer-partner Lesydear Automobile Sdn Bhd. Located at No....
After several rounds of previews, including an appearance at the Malaysia Autoshow 2024, Chery Auto Malaysia has officially launched the Chery Tiggo 7 Pro.
Chery Malaysia has announced its support for our local athletes heading to the upcoming Olympic games in Paris next month. Recognising their hard work...