I also know all our rights are imprinted in the small prints, but seriously in all probability the insurance co will say its the adjuster who decided that, anyway the tyre cost about RM100 so I did not pursue.
Of course that time only one adjuster came, maybe now the trend is to send more adjusters is better I suppose, but to say these adjusters are independent is wishful thinking, they deal with the insurance companies on very regular if not daily basis and I believe they are paid by the insurance co and not any other independent employer, and not to mention that the insurance co employees are hardpressed to improve bottomline, and you???? You just met him because of an accident, so just deduce from that on their independence....
boroi..... if the tyre really damage then it should be change.... this can be easily determine by looking at the point of impact, damages sustained etc........ maybe there are other factor than prevented the adjuster from recommending it to be repalced..... most insurance co. now request for the repairer to provide 4 angle photo at the scene of accident and t/party vehicle damages (if any) as this help a lot should there be discrepency /complaint highlight by the car owner.....
anyway i 'm quite agree that some claim officer/manager dont do their job whole heartedly but feel happy if the can reduce cost where possible and put the customer plight aside.......
this comment however does not in any way represent any insurance co in practice.... strictly based on my 20 years observation.......