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Yamaha Majesty

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Posted 05 June 2006 - 11:56 PM


    Road Warrior

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On the other note, If you have a bigger budget, get a TMAX. I'm thinking
getting one in future upgrade.


Posted 10 June 2006 - 03:25 AM


    4th Gear

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The cost of a TMAX will be too astronomical for me lah....

Planning of getting a used Majesty for the moment as a good and reliable daily workhorse.

Italian scooters are good too but I am worried with their service and spare parts availability.

Anyone selling their Majesty in the near future?



Posted 17 June 2006 - 07:39 AM


    Road Warrior

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>>Anyone selling their Majesty in the near future?

Me ... not in very near future ... but maybe in 3 years time.

Say a nice looking one in Rasah, selling for 8.5K with 35xxx on milage.
have not check details.


Posted 18 June 2006 - 12:16 PM


    Taxi Driver

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Hi all,

I prefer a brand new scot, any chance Majesty would be back in the

What other choise do we have in the market? Aprilia seems small for its


Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:16 PM


    Road Warrior

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Sometime ago I heard we can get brand new majesty from Peneng stock. Not
sure if it is still available!

can check with the dealer


Posted 30 June 2006 - 11:23 PM



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Last time when I asked bout a brand new parice for Majesty from MSC PJ,
the cost is around RM35k..unbelievable at first but then the salesman
told me that it's imported from Japan...
With that price tag, i think you can get a used T-Max or even Aprillia
Atlantic 500 (saw one at their showromm)

Happy hunting ..me too, still hoping to owned a unit.



Posted 10 July 2006 - 02:51 PM


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Atlantic 250 is about RM23K


Posted 11 July 2006 - 09:06 AM



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Wah...! I tought brand new atlantic 250 is only RM19k when I asked at
Moto Milia, Bangsar 2 months back..Increase already?

I saw one at Ukay Perdana...Very nice scoot.



Posted 14 August 2007 - 12:10 PM


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Rasfan, any good place recommended to servis Yamaha Majesty 1999?


Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:06 PM



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hye all..just want to share xperience "living" wit my Majesty for almost 6

thn 2001, saya miliki Majesty ngan harga rm 11,000 ( bayar cash wooo!
menggeletar tangan masa nak membayar ). pastu guna dekat 4 tahun untuk
journey pegi balik KL-P.Pinang ( sbb masa tu tgh jadi student so balik KL 3
minggu skali )..so far masa tu mmg seronok naik majesty, lalu jalan blkg (
Klang -K.Selangor - Ipoh - Kamunting )ikut highway boring.....kene ngan FC
yang orang kata agak gila ( satu full tank pegi penang! )..tak percaya?
percayalah....1 pengalaman yg tak dapat dilupai..semasa proses nak balik KL
( biasalah..service dulu )..mekanik kat penang cakap, 4 daripada 8 bearing
saya sudah haus..tak boleh pergi jauh, kene pulak masa tu takde
spare-part.saya nekad, saya balik jugak guna majesty tu ( drive dalam
80-100km/h ) alhamdulillah!..sampai K.L!!...sampai sahaja K.L..keesokan
harinya saya anta kat mekanik Yamaha yang saya slalu pergi ( Yamaha caw.
setapak )..kene overhaul....kos dalam rm2300 ( Bearing, alternator,clutch,
main shaft semua barai )..bearing takyah cakaplaa, mmg dah terbarai..tapi
alternator ngan semua electrikal part semua jahanam disebabkan pakai
battery cap ayam...( no wonderlaa asyik mati memanjang )V-Beltcap ayam (
w/pon jepon mari ) pon jahanam rupanya kalau long distance..so nekad tuka
semua balik kepada ori...2005 sampai skarang..V-Belt, Battery..semua masih
elok dipakai.. jadi nak pakai majesty "belilah barang ori walapun mahal
tapi tahan lama..."

tapi sekarang..majesty saya dah tak kluar dari rumah. ( cuma start untuk
panskan enjin shj. ) semenjak pakai keta..tapi..disebabkan negara kita ni
skarang semu belumba-lumba nak naik barang...barulah saya terhegeh-hegeh
nak carik spare part Majesty....skian, termia kasih..hehehehe