BMW Group Malaysia denounces scam lottery draw

BMW Group Malaysia denounces scam lottery draw

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We have all received our fair share of scam emails saying that we’ve either won some random lottery or inherited a generous fortune from some unknown chap who just kicked the bucket in some faraway country. These are the oldest tricks in the book as far as online con jobs are concerned, but they still work.

Because email is free, scammers send thousands upon thousands of such emails to random addresses, and chances are one or two of the recipients will fall for it. It’s not always money though. Sometimes you are ‘given’ nice cars, and very often, they are BMWs. Late last year, at BMW Group Malaysia’s prompting, we highlighted one particular scam called the ‘BMW Car International Promotion Program’.

Well, folks, there’s a new BMW scam in town, and it is the `Annual BMW Series Lottery Draw`, which bears actual company addresses for BMW Group Malaysia and BMW Credit (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. The two companies today issued a statement highlighting this campaign and stated that it ‘not initiated and recognised by both BMW Group Malaysia and BMW Credit (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and should be deemed illegal’.

Additionally, the Mrs Shahida Idris name used in the email scam is clarified to be neither an employee nor a representative of either company. In its official statement, BMW Group Malaysia advises customers ‘to be especially aware of this email spam activity and to not entertain the email communication nor enter into communication with Mrs. Idris or the parties’.

Furthermore, BMW Group Malaysia also wishes to highlight that the mail was spread at random on via its protected database system. The company also expresses its regret at any inconvenience caused to customers by this activity.

The attached images with this article is the actual reproduction of the scam email provided to us by BMW Group Malaysia. A pretty sloppy effort, actually.


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