Continental Tyre Malaysia Showcases Its Commitment To Sustainability

Continental Tyre Malaysia Showcases Its Commitment To Sustainability

Continental Tyre Malaysia recently organised an Energy & Environment Day as part of the brand’s global commitment to environmental and social responsibility. The event was held for Continental employees as well as its working partners in Malaysia, to showcase and celebrate its achievements towards energy and environmental efficiency.

This year’s event saw over 400 people participate to learn more about the company’s commitment to higher energy efficiency and a sustainable environment towards its 2050 global sustainability ambitions and goals. Running with the “Energizing a Green Future” theme, the event highlighted the journey ahead for Continental in terms of its contribution to a sustainable environment.

Continental Tyre Malaysia_Energy & Environment Day_Plastic Recycling ManagementBesides gaining a deeper understanding of ways they could play a role in the company’s wider sustainability plans, the participants were made aware of the greater need for collaboration among all parties in order to support and commit to the changing environment. According to Thomas Poehnert, Plant Manager of Continental Tyre Malaysia, Continental is cognizant that it needs the support of all stakeholders including employees, partners, dealers and above all else, its customers to collectively contribute towards environmental protection and conservation.

“While Continental has earnestly rolled out its plans to realise its sustainability ambitions, the public, and more specifically our customers, is key to our plans to continue to drive environment and energy efficiency. We have purposeful and clear goals in place to support this agenda, and we need all our partners and customers to embrace and take this journey with us. Our people are the lifeblood of our company, so they too have a critical role to understand our value creation beyond developing quality products but doing so in a manner that is extremely innovative and environmentally friendly,” Thomas said.

Continental Tyre Malaysia_Energy & Environment Day_Water Recycling Management ShowcaseIn Malaysia, Continental’s sustainability efforts include recycling systems for rainwater and plastics. Rainwater collected at the Continental plant is reused in its production, supplementing the water from the main supply. Meanwhile, plastics are recycled within the plant and reused in its tyre production thus minimising the use of new plastic sheets.

Andrea Somorova_Managing Director_Continental Tyre MalaysiaAndrea Somorova, Managing Director of Continental Tyre Malaysia, said driving sustainable growth must be complemented by innovation towards sustainable solutions and waste reduction. “The Energy & Environment Day gave our people and partners the opportunity to come together and exchange ideas in terms of the plans already in place and what they can expect in the coming years. We also got to celebrate their achievements in contributing to Continental’s goals within this area.”

Continental’s commitment to drive sustainable and value-creating solutions along the entire value chain covers 4 key areas, with targets to be achieved by 2050:

  1. Material sourcing – fair and 100% sustainable material sourcing practices;
  2. Operations – to become highly energy and resource efficient, complemented by low emissions operations with 100% carbon neutral production;
  3. Product usage – safe, energy-efficient and long-lasting products contributing to a carbon neutral business with emission-free mobility;
  4. End of life – with 100% renewing and recycling of tires

Continental_Tyre_Sidewall_BrandThe event included 2 Tesla electric cars to showcase the sustainability commitment that Continental has towards future mobility. Continental tyres are suitable for most of the EV cars; 7 out of 10 most successful manufacturers of electric vehicles worldwide rely on Continental tyres as their original equipment (OE). The participants also learned from partners such as GSPARX, Exoticmods, Festo, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, and Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) which set up booths to share detailed information, and knowledge related to energy saving, technology, and recycling.


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