What You Can Do To Keep Your Child Safe

What You Can Do To Keep Your Child Safe

Not only is it the school break but in a little over a month, it will be peak travel season with many cars on the trunk roads, kampung roads and highways; some going fast and some going slow. But no matter how skillful a driver you are, you can’t guarantee that another driver on the same stretch of road as you is just as skillful.

So, if you’re traveling with children, you should view the videos below. Some of the videos are made a few years ago but they are still very relevant today in reducing the risk of child fatality in road accidents. The visuals below tell more than words ever will but don’t worry, no actual child was harmed in the making of these videos.

Source: Insurance Institute For Highway Safety, USA

* LATCH is US equivalent of ISOFIX

You might also be tempted to turn your child’s car seat to face forward when he/she reaches 12 months old. The video below shows why it’s safer to leave the child in a rear-facing seat for as long as possible.

Source: Buckle Up With Brutus

Rear-Facing Child Car Seat SafetyOur friends at paultan.org are working with Mercedes-Benz Malaysia to get parents to buckle up their children in child car seats, especially for the upcoming festive travel period. Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, through its MobileKids initiative, has generously contributed an additional 135 child car seats worth RM50,000 to the Child Car Seat Rental Programme (making it a total of 245 car seats). This is a FREE car seat rental programme for a month for the eligible (on a first-come-first-served basis). They should be accepting applications soon at paultan.org so remember to check with them.

And if you’re worried about your child crying in the safety of the car seat, don’t. They’ll eventually get tired/bored and stop crying.



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