Autoworld members support Tyrepac Warehouse Sales en masse
Autoworld’s partner website Tyrepac, Asia’s first tyre portal, concluded its first tyre warehouse sale from 8th October to 10th October 2009. Held at the premises of renown tyre dealer Tayaria, customers at the sale were given up to 20% discount on tyre purchases and 50% off all alignment charges.
According to Adrian Thio, GM, South East Asia, Tyrepac Pte. Ltd., business at the sale picked up substantially yesterday, last day of the sale, after a modest start. After a relatively easy couple of days, Tyrepac staff manning the sale suddenly had their hands full having to deal with a sudden surge in customers for the weekend.
Further boosting the attendance of the event was a special congregation of Autoworld Forum members who turned up at Tayaria’s premises yesterday afternoon. In this specially organized gathering, concocted in our very own ‘Tyre and Wheel Talk’ forum, forum members made their way to Tayaria after a quick TT session at a nearby ‘mamak’ eatery.
Regulars of the Forum would no doubt be familiar with nicks like vr2turbo, g88, mubull and ycfoo, but this was a rare occasion where we got to attach the said names to specific faces rather than just their jottings on the net.
After looking through some of the offerings available in the warehouse sale, the members were then given a quick talk by Adrian, who shared with them his in-depth and insider knowledge on tyres.
In true Autoworld Forum tradition, the members did not let things become a one-way lecture, countering with input from their knowledge as well. It generated a lively and healthy discussion among all present. As vr2turbo puts it in the forum, “The talk was very informative and I think most of those who attended learned of something new today.”
On behalf of the forum members present, Autoworld wishes to thank Tyrepac for generously hosting us, and specifically to Adrian for delivering his insightful & informative talk to all present.
If you regret having missed this gathering or warehouse sale, worry not. Word from Tyrepac is that they are set to bring in bigger and better things. Join us the next time!