Pak Lah to the rescue: Cabinet to decide on toll hike today
NOT NOW: Time not right for toll hike, says PM
On Wednesday Works Minister announced that tolls will go up on five major highways including the North-South Expressway, Sprint and NPE on Sunday, march 1.
Apparently the cabinet had approved the hike, in accordance with the concession agreements.
Understandably people were not happy with this announcement.
The uproar prompted Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad badawi to reconsider the decision.
He said that cabinet will relook at their decision and come up with an alternative solution.
Abdullah admitted that a toll hike may not be the medicine for these tough economic times.
They might use some of the money under the stimulus package to pay the concession holders.
TOLL CONCESSIONAIRES SHOULD SHARE OUR PAIN: A freeze on toll and Government compensation is what should happen
I have asuggestion though: why not just tell the concession holders to be patriotic and share our pain and not enjoy a huge profit this year… how about that
Anyway Good on Pak Lah for reconsidering the decision. Lets have more of the Government listening to the people…
it’s a shame.
already makes a lot of moolah…
still want some more moolah…
not that they’re making a loss in their account…
we are!
yeah, why can’t the concession holders suffer also\?…they entitled to avoid the recession????