New BP Logo
In line with its parent company’s global move, BP Malaysia has begun using the new BP corporate logo which is that of a sunburst of green, white and yellow. The new logo, unveiled in UK, earlier in the week, replaces the old BP shield and torch design.
The new logo is named ‘Helios’, after the Greek sun god and its three colours are intended to represent dynamic energy sources such as gas, oil and solar.
The new globally-used BP logo follows a series of mergers and acquisitions in the past couple of years which has seen the former British Petroleum, Amoco Corporation, Atlantic Richfield and Burmah Castrol coming together as one entity with a market value of over US$200 billion.
Speaking at the launch of the new logo in Malaysia, BP Malaysia CEO Peter Wentworth said: “The single global brand and logo signifies to our customers globally that wherever they see the BP sign, the can consistently expect the highest quality of products and services.”