Ford Asia has already announced 2 liter turbo diesel engine will be discontinued. That is a reall shame.Although this engine is not the most powerful in it's class,it does have exciting power and economy. As bro flee said,SADC is unable to handle issues on this engine.
Just like the Prince engine jointly developed by BMW & Peugeot. Award winner in Europe, but so much problems here in Bolehland,cos we got monkeys at the SC for maintenance.Frankly can't blame the mechanics.This is a Bolehland problem,lack of properly trainned staff. Training is viewed as an unnecessary expense,typical 3rd world mentality! With this attitude,we will end up as dumping ground for old and outdated technologyl. Our diesel is considered dirty. Could that mean we will miss the newly developed engines? Ford Asia has already started the ball rolling!
I do agree, not every new car out of the plant is perfect.The point is,what ever issues,SC should be able to fix.If the SC haven't a clue,is it right the customer has to live with it or make endless trips to SC for trial and errors? Why should anyone spend so much money and depend on luck???
what i dont' like about this warranty model in use today is the customer has to spend his/her money and time to fix a manufacturer's problem. it's your problem but i have to spend to fix it. wtf?!?! and by spend i mean
a) you have to take leave to go fix it
you are carless for a while - so take public transport while still paying your monthly installment
c) you pay parking, petrol, etc to go to SC
the worst part is when the SC just says, "if you can't reproduce it, we can't fix it". hate that attitude. i live with the car everyday, i know its problems better than you!
*my 2sen rant*