I owned a Daihatsu Charade CS 1984 Model 5 speed manual, I really look after the car and looking for friends to exchange views and experience. I also want to know wether the car is considered as CLASSIC

Congratulation, yours considered as Classic based on JPJ Rules but check below for more datails;
1. Category
Vintage Car Category:
Cars that are eligible to be categorised as vintage cars are 50 years old from the date of their manufacture.
Classic Car Category:
Cars that are eligible to be categorised as classic cars are 25 years old from the date of their manufacture, including cars known as collectors’ items.
2. Conditions of Application
Only vehicles under the category of motor car are eligible to apply and to be considered. Other conditions that must be met to obtain the status of vintage/classic car for the purpose of obtaining a reduction in the Motor Vehicle Licence (MVL) fee are as follows:
1. Only cars that have been registered in this country for not less than 25 years can apply and be considered. Imported cars that are categorised as vintage/classic are eligible for consideration after they have been registered in this country for a period of 2 years.
2. Cars with a high market value, similar to the value of antiques.
3. The car must be in mint condition, not rusty, clean with shining paint and chrome, in other words, in showroom condition.
4. The car must be in roadworthy condition and all its systems are functioning properly.
5. The car must have the original specifications, body and major components.
6. The only modifications allowed are upgrading of the brake, electrical and fuel systems that are accepted on safety reasons.
7. As a major factor of consideration, the applicant must have more than 2 cars that are registered in his own name.
8. The chassis and engine numbers must be clearly legible and not tampered with.
9. The owner must submit supporting letters/certificates from the Royal Malaysian Vintage and Classic Car Club or other recognised clubs.
10. The car must be inspected by RTD technical officers/car inspectors of the relevant RTD Headquarters/state/branch offices.
3.Method of Application
Application and inspection of vintage/classic cars may be made via:
Technical Division of RTD Headquarters,
Level 2 , Block D4 , Parcel D ,
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62620 Putrajaya.
Tel : 03 88866400
RTD State/Branch Enforcement Division
3.2 Documents required
1. Copy of registration card (together with the original)
2. Copies of at least 2 registration cards of other cars registered in the applicant’s name (together with the original).
3. Copy of identity card of owner/applicant.
4. At least 4 photographs of the front, rear, side and the steering/ dashboard.
5. Vintage or classic car letters/certificates from recognised clubs.
3.4 Inspection of Car
For the inspection of the vintage/classic car, the applicant should submit the required documents together with the car to be inspected.
1. The inspection will focus on identifying the originality of the car and that it meets the conditions in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 above.
2. Features of the inspection
* Inspection of the car identity, i.e. confirmation that the engine and chassis numbers have not been tampered with and match the numbers stated in the car registration card.
* The inspection of the originality of a vintage/classic car covers the following components: {mostip} Original engine, original chassis, original body design (not modified), original transmission system, original suspension system, original front and rear axles, registration number and rim as well as original steering (not the sports type).{/mostip}
* Format Pemeriksaan Motokar Vintaj/Klasik Format Pemeriksaan Motokar Vintaj/Klasik
4. Issue of Certificate of Confirmation of Vintage/Classic Car Status
1. All applications and inspection reports to obtain vintage/classic car status that are made at RTD state/branch offices should be forwarded to the Technical Division of the RTD Headquarters to be processed and reviewed before recommendations are made to the Director-General of Road Transport.
2. Cars that have been approved as vintage/classic cars will be issued a Certificate of Confirmation for the purpose of obtaining reduction of the Motor Vehicle Licence fee of 90% for vintage cars and 80% for classic cars. This certificate will be issued by the Technical Division of the RTD Headquarters and signed by the Director-General of Road Transport.
3. The certificate of confirmation of vintage/classic car status should be renewed once every 3 years or when transfer of name or interchange of car registration number is made, whichever is earlier. The owner of the car is required to reapply to ascertain the status of the vintage/classic car according to the conditions stipulated above.
5. Enforcement Directive
Enforcement needs to be carried out to ensure that cars that have obtained vintage/classic car status do not have any modifications carried out on their steering or rim as well as other components. The eligibility and status of a vintage/classic car will be revoked immediately if any modification is carried out on the car, and the owner will have to pay the Motor Vehicle Licence (MVL) fee at the original rate.