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Citroen C8 2003, Auto Gearbox Cant Engage Manual

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 08:19 PM



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hi All, I just booked a citroen c8 year 2003 model, everything works except when i try to select the manual transmission with the plus minus sign, nothing happens, the car is still stuck in auto function, push up and down also nothing works, the gear changes like normal in auto mode, and is very smooth. The dealer will get it checked next week before i confirm my purchase, but i would like to know if anyone here has any experience with this, is this a big issue or easy fix? before i negotiate with the dealer if he can't fix it. The gearbox seems fine, test drove it in auto and everything changes smoothly, and there's not errors on the dashboard as well. Dealer thinks its some pin or linkage below the dash, but he will confirm back with me. just worried i dont want to end up booking one with a serious problem with the gearbox. Im new to this forum, new to citroen so hope u guys can help out.


Posted 22 May 2016 - 09:32 AM


    Forum Ninja

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Can't he repair that issue and then you test again before you confirm?


Posted 22 May 2016 - 02:01 PM



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yeah he said he will repair it before i confirm, but if he cannot also he will tell me then i will need to decide if i wanna take it or not, so just weighing my options and getting more info on that gear selector, can't seem to find information about that issue anywhere online........ sigh..........

so if he comes back to me and say he can't fix it, i have to decide to bump down the price and take it or leave it, but i really like this one, everything seems to be working fine except that manual gear selector.


Posted 22 May 2016 - 04:56 PM


    Forum Ninja

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Ah! you are 50/50 on your decision. Hopefully can be repaired then I am sure you will be 100% going for it.

Manual probably some connection or linkage like you mentioned


Posted 27 May 2016 - 12:55 AM



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ok the dealer managed to fix it la, it was the gear selection switch, all working fine now! yippy!