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Illegal Vehicle Wanted By Police And Jpj! (selangor & Kl Area)

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Posted 12 August 2013 - 03:53 PM


    5th Gear

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  • 5 posts
My original vehicle details - AMG kitted w211 e240 white (Reg no. PHW 373). Currently the vehicle has only been driven in Melaka and Johore area.

One irresponsible moron had illegally dupicated my vehicle identity in Selangor/KL area and committed various traffic offences such as speeding, red light etc. Both Police and JPJ reports had been lodged and they're currently going after this fella.

If anyone came across the illegal vehicle in Selangor/KL area, please immediately contact the nearest police station or JPJ station. Alternatively you may also contact Tuan Fahmy at 0176170565 or myself at 0124244246.

Thanks in advanced and please help to distribute the above information.

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