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Citroen Zx

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Posted 09 March 2015 - 11:38 AM


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Visited EXD on Sat to get ADA serviced. Bought my own engine oil from Tesco. TOTAL oil 10-40w for RM75. And since the interior has this hapak smell, I also bought a lemon scented hanging thingy. Now it smells citrusy fresh. Hahaha smile_approve.gif

Arrived at around 10am. There's a 406 getting fixed already. Looks like they're getting started earlier. smile_thumbup.gif Waited for my turn which came about 10:30am. The actual oil and filter change was quick and took about 15 minutes. It's when I ask them to have a look see at my brakes (pulling to one side) that the waiting became the longest. They alternated between the 406 and my car, fiddling a while here and then a while there. Bled the brakes, didn't find any issue. Brake oil was within usual parameters. Brake pads were also sufficiently thick. They told me to monitor it and report back at the next service.

Note: After the bleeding, the car seems to brake better. Maybe it's air trapped in the system?

Left around 12:30pm after I told Sham I had to go. Labour + oil filter = RM40 smile_tongue.gif

PS - The doctor told me the rear shocks are on their way out. Gonna change them next service. smile_thumbup.gif

Last tankful - ONLY 400kms !#@^%$^&#!$@ smile_angry.gif
Filled RM84@RM1.95 per litre - 43 litres


Posted 09 March 2015 - 07:15 PM


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keep the anecdotes coming..... smile_thumbup.gif


Posted 16 March 2015 - 12:14 PM


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Was a bit restless last weekend to I thought I'd see how to change a tyre on the ZX. Bad decision! smile_disapprove.gif

The spare tyre is located BENEATH the car (similar to a Perodua Alza) and requires you to lower it by gradually loosening the screw that holds it in place. The tyre jack looks a lot like and old school manual wood drill with the crank-like hand hold. That should've been alarm No 1. smile_angry.gif

Opened the boot and searched for the nut to lower the spare tyre. It's located in the middle of the trunk, near to the trunk lip. Found the crank and began cranking. Hard work too cos the recessed portion where the crank meets the nut isn't suited for extended time 'grinding motion' while standing up. Kept on slipping. Blardee process took me about 10 minutes of continuous grinding before the spare wheel was lowered. Nia mah! smile_angry.gif

We know the ZX sits low on the ground. Alarm No 2. That also means you'll need to be sufficiently limber/dexterous in order to get the tyre. I was in a crawling position, lowered my shoulder slightly at an awkward angle to reach underneath the car AND pull the tyre out. Pulled a muscle at the same time. smile_blackeye.gif

The jack is nicely stored in a plastic casing beside the spare tyre underneath the car. It's held on by a few metal clips and such. It'll come down together when the tyre is lowered.

Trying to loosen the tyre nuts is another feat in futility with the given crank. Lucky I got myself a more conventional 'X' jack. Proceed to jack up the car. That took another round of muscle building exercise. Kanasai. FYI, the nuts are 'bolt type' as opposed to the Japanese 'nut type'.

Changed the tyre. smile_approve.gif

Now the part where I tulan. smile_angry.gif Putting the changed tyre back to it's place under the car is already difficult. Trying to get the hook (which is attached to the screw, which raises the tyre back so it's flush in the undercarriage is difficult PLUS. A tip for those thinking of lowering the spare tyre ; remember to position the tyre air valve at an accessible spot. I initially placed in further in which made it impossible to fill up the air without lowering the tyre again. Sheeshhh...

Half a day gone changing the tyre on a ZX when it would've probably take me 20 minutes TOPS in a Proton or Jap car. Send to mechanic even faster. smile_blackeye.gif


Posted 24 March 2015 - 02:11 PM


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Only pumped RM50 for the last tank
Got 200kms before a refill

New tankful - RM93@Rm1.95 per liter

Remember me mentioning about the bruiser W124? Got myself one of those last week. smile_tongue.gif
Heavy car so after a drive in it, ADA feels like a sprinter. Fast and agile. smile_approve.gif


Posted 27 March 2015 - 06:20 PM


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Photo of the car of my dream of Citroen Concept Car - http://lafozi.com/us...en-concept-car/


Posted 20 September 2016 - 11:00 AM


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Hi guys..

It's been a while since anyone posted anything here. Thought I'd revive this thread a bit.


Got the W124 to accompany my ZX. Very nice car but maintenance wise a bit of a hassle. Started out with gearbox problems. Then suspension. Engine was ok but thirsty. Body parts especially the interior is expensive. Sold it off at a loss of about RM10k. :'(
It's a quality car don't get me wrong but old hence not for casual car owners. 

Sold off my ZX too. Sold of wife's Matrix. Got a Wira and Iswara. Cheap, Problem-free (almost) motoring. Easy on the wallet too. But BORING!!! :(


So the butt itchy me went looking for a new French GF. Found one. Now she's being fixed up. Update later :D


Posted 20 September 2016 - 02:18 PM


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If car is old, Conti make will require more maintenance.....