GoCar Hari Raya Promotion Offers Extra Day Free
GoCar Malaysia is running a Hari Raya promotion for those who are planning to balik kampung or to just go away for a short break. This promotion is a great mobility alternative for those who either don’t own a car, don’t want to use their own car, and would rather not use mass transportation for travel.
This promotion is applicable for GoCar Round Trips. To enjoy the savings, you just need to key in the “GETRAYAREADY” promo code when you make a 2-day booking during the campaign period. This will entitle you to enjoy 1 extra day of usage for free. A GoCar Round Trips booking comes with unlimited mileage use and is open to all drivers with a valid Malaysian or international license, including P license drivers. Fuel, toll and parking are of course, at your own expense.
The “GETRAYAREADY” promo code is valid for one-time use only from 1 April to 10 May 2022. However, you have until 30 June 2022 to make your trip. Furthermore, if you are intending to use this GoCar service and promo for Hari Raya celebrations, you are encouraged to pre-book early to ensure there is a vehicle available for you. Additionally, the first 50 customers to make a booking will receive a complimentary exclusive GoCar umbrella.
“There is a Malay saying that goes ‘sediakan payung sebelum hujan’. In the same spirit, we hope this GETRAYAREADY campaign will help customers be prepared for the upcoming holiday. We urge customers to pre-book as early as they can before Raya to ensure they have a personal vehicle for their holidays so that they need not worry about long queues and sold-out tickets in addition to safety concerns that come with public transportation,” said Wong Hoe Mun, CEO of GoCar Malaysia.
Download the GoCar mobile app and sign up to enjoy this promotion.
For more information about GoCar Share and GoCar Malaysia, visit https://hi.gocar.my or follow the GoCar Malaysia Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter channels.