Judges get to work for Autoworld Car of the Year Awards 2013

Judges get to work for Autoworld Car of the Year Awards 2013

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Autoworld.com.my’s now-seasoned panel of judges have reconvened for the fourth time to get the latest edition of the annual Autoworld Car of the Year Awards 2013 underway. Featuring 33 nominated cars, the Autoworld Car Awards seeks to recognize and reward the best cars available to the Malaysian public.

The panel of eleven judges is led by the Editor of Autoworld.com.my, Mr Y.S. Khong, who continues his role as chief judge of the award. As they have done in previous years, the judges take considerable effort to gather and score the nominated cars after extensively testing them in a variety of road conditions, scoring them based on criteria such as performance, handling, comfort, value for money, interior practicality, and so forth.

To date, 16 of the 33 nominated cars have been put to the test and scored by the panel of judges in full-day drive events that took judges and cars to outstation destinations as far as Tg Tualang and Malacca. Working hard and playing hard, the judges tested the cars over challenging routes whilst taking note of various nooks and crannies of each vehicle, scoring them accordingly.

Having worked together four successive years, the Autoworld judging panel have developed a warm and friendly camaraderie, evidenced by the constant banter and chatter traded over the walkie-talkie channels during the convoy-style drives. Along the way to the destination and back, judges swap cars at designated points to ensure each judge gets adequate drive time with each car.

In keeping with tradition, the Autoworld judging panel once again invites the public to contribute their feedback to the awards by voting for their favourite cars from the pool of nominees in the award microsite. As before, online voting in the Autoworld Car Awards contributes 20 per cent to the overall scoring mechanism, a contribution which have proved decisive many times in past awards.

Voting period has officially commenced, and all Autoworld members are invited to cast your votes and have a say in the outcome of this year’s awards. Registration of Autoworld membership is free and open to all members of the public. There is a cash prize of RM300 in store for the three voters whose selection best matches the final outcome of the awards.

Follow the link below to the award official microsite and cast your votes immediately!


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