New M-Sport bodykit introduced for… the i30?
Beginning next year, customers of the Hyundai i30 will have the option of specifying their car with what they call, no, I kid you not, the M-Sport bodykit. Available for booking from 1 Jan 2010 onwards, the first 50 takers of the i30 in 2010 will get the bodykit free of charge.
There are no changes under the skin. All upgrades (ed: a loosely used term, you understand) are purely cosmetic, and Hyundai-Sime Darby Motor’s press release confirmed as much. Even the interior is left untouched.
Changes brought about by the bodykit include skirts all-round, new sport rims, pieces of black plastic that visually magnify the front grille and fog lamp slots, exhaust tips flushed with the bumper, and another two black pieces of plastic plastered on the rear bumper.
The price of this kit? An additional RM8,000 to the i30’s sticker price.
See also: First Impressions: Hyundai i30
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