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Brake Lock Antitheft Device

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 08:56 AM


    Fast & Furious

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Can't find this topic posted before.

Am planning to get a new Saga BLM. And was offered by Edar a RM200 voucher which can be used to purchase a security system.

I don't know what's the proper term for this device. From the explanation given, sounds like some sort mechanical device that locks both the brake pedal and steering. And it is installed under the dashboard.

To me, this sounds like the normal bar metal you hook to the brake pedal and to the steering wheel but with the difference this maybe more 'nicer' as it's underneath the dash. And don't have to worry where to put it away after disengaging it.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Quoted Rm350. With voucher 150.

Is it worth it? Is it more theft-proof than your steering lock / brake lock metal rod?



Posted 20 October 2010 - 11:18 AM


    Fast & Furious

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Brake/clutch lock is always more secure than steering locks because the steering wheel can be sawed off. That said, brake/clutch lock can also be compromised by, apparently, bending the brake and clutch pedals. I am not sure if this is exactly the method this lock can be compromised but there is a posting on Youtube that shows a Honda CRV with Locktact (is this how it is spelled?) that was compromised. The video didn't show how this was done because it was from a security camera that only showed the car from outside (not inside the car where it would be most helpful to us).

Anyway, a steering lock can still be helpful because it is a visual deterrent. Imagine two cars: one with and one without steering lock. A car thief might just choose the one without a steering lock -- save the trouble of having to saw off the wheel (or he might not care ...)
